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Since we are convinced that CIMA center, on the other side of the ocean, does his best to help his little guests, the Ayud’Art charity does everything in France to help CIMA get money.

Organization of events

Ayud’Art occasionally organizes tombola for CIMA center. One euro the ticket. A one in three chance to win something. In any case a donation to CIMA !Bingo and tombola

Organization of meals for CIMA.Meals

Let’s be creative! Some members take initiatives by giving money to Ayud’Art for example their birthday gifts, or wedding presents ..Occasional meetings

Combine business with pleasure: empty your attic, take part with the charity volunteer to a second-hand market and give your profit to Ayud’Art. Second-hand market

Organize paying concerts and give all or part of the profit to Ayud’Art.Concerts

When being greedy and sporty can be mixed up. The “greedy walk” consists in hiking with several people and stopping at different gourmet stage (starters, main meals, deserts, coffee, snacks). The profit made thanks to the registration fees is given to Ayud’Art. Greedy walk

Le Crédit Mutuel Enseignant héberge les comptes banquaires de l'association depuis sa fondation et subventionne Ayud'Art. Depuis 2002, la MJC BAZIN nous offre un stand au P'tit Baz'Art.


Local political entities

Lorraine region is an essential financial partner to Ayud’Art good economic health. Its technical supports, its help to the charity during demonstrations of international solidarity are unvaluable support. The Council of the Meurthe and Moselle has also been an essential support since we started. Its economic, logistic and formative support helps us develop and helps the children over there grow up. The city supports Ayud’Art economically. The city works with Ayud’Art in demonstrations dedicated to “Human Rights and solidarity” and lends the city council premises to gather Ayud’Art public.

Companies, Stock exchange and Foundations

Le comité d’action caritative de PartnerRe soutient économiquement nos projets depuis 2002 Le Minigrant Program financé par la fondation Arcelor Mittal permet d’aider financièrement le CIMA. XL company help has two main goals: offering us his employees’ time and skills one day every year during the Global Day of Giving. The company also supports our actions by financing projects or equipment.

The Crédit Mutuel Enseignant, a French bank has hosted the charity bank account since its fundation and also provides it with subsidies. Since 2002, the MJC Bazin, a French organization has provided us with a little stand in the Ptit Baz’Art.


The donations received by Ayud’Art are entirely given to CIMA center because the charity is only composed of volunteers who are not paid.

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