
Which project?

Take a break in my professional life, meet CIMA children, and share the everyday life with them.

Make an audiovisual documentary called “the forgotten of Lima” which deals with the extreme poverty in Peru and most particularly the children from Lima’s streets welcomed by CIMA.

Why ?

To live a personal experience on the other side of the world, learn a new language, learn educational and movie skills, communicate about a cause and bring back financial, material or human help.


Spending six months in the everyday life of CIMA children and outside of it (shanty towns, families…) to understand better the children life conditions, try to understand the reason which brought them in this situation, their pain, their fear, but also to share their hopes. The expressions I gathered in Lima will be the basis of the final documentary.

To use the experience of a teacher and an athlete in France and share sporty and musical activities with them to create social links and collect their impressions and expressions.

What steps in  France ?

Put in place a partnership to finance the project and the audio-visual equipment necessary to make the documentary.

Look for sponsoring to learn from professional volunteer skills in movie edition.

What impact is hoped back in France?

  • To make the editing of the documentary then broadcast it thanks to different means.
  • To reach different types of media (TV, DVD, internet), educational (make lectures), organism specialized in humanitarian help, educational schools (IRTS), association, charities or any entities which could find an interest to learn or act.


To make a documentary called « the forgotten of Lima » which deals with the extreme poverty in Peru. and most particularly the children in Lima’s street welcomed by the CIMA. To live a personal experience on the other side of the world, learn a language,
share time with children from CIMA center. Give them the floor.